He said this when he told me not to take the Man Utd defeat to Chelsea too badly, everything would even out and guess what....it has!
Ok before I get to the good stuff I took this photo in the studio cos I was bored. Those are Petrina's sunglasses....
Alright on to serious business! Man Utd beat Barcalona in the 2nd leg of the Champions league semi final this morning at Old Trafford. The goal scored from Paul Scholes in the 14th minute from about 30 yards out!

Woo Hoo, we're in the final! What a brilliant strike from the man who missed out on the 1999 final through suspension, well he looks set to play in Moscow come May 21 in what will be an all English final for the first time in history.

Who will face United in Moscow? Liverpool or Chelsea? Well we don't have to wait very long to find out.
"Movie of the week: Iron Man..."

This is a good one staring Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark. I've been waiting for this for months and last night was the premier at Lido.
Boy it was worth the wait cos you will not leave the cinema disappointed. If your a fan of the comic, you'll notice some differences in certain characters but don't worry cos it all works out well.
Robert Downey Jr delivers a fantastic performance as Tony Stark adding alot of wit to the character, theres also a certain charisma about him that makes him perfect for the role.

Last night's premier was a pretty big deal too as it was the launch of the Anti-Piracy trailer. There was a reception near the open area where Starbucks is at Lido cinemas.
Check out the tickets man, an invitation card very nicely done up as shown by my date Janet.
And here's how the front cover looks like. I'd post more pictures but I had to surrender all media recording devices, they were pretty serious about this at the preview.
Also watch out for the "drag and drop" scene when Tony begins work on Mark 2, very cool!
Dear friends I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the preview but I promise I'll go again with you all on Sunday!
"In other movie news..."
A friend of mine, Kenneth has been posting the latest Dark Knight posters on his blog but I got a surprise for him.
I found this outdoor banner of the new Batman movie, online.

This banner is the one being used in Hong Kong at the moment for the highly anticipated DC comic flick which stars Christian Bale as Batman and the late Heath Ledger as the joker.
www.whysoserious.com is a virual campain that's being run and recently people who have gone to the website and solved a series of puzzles managed to take a first look at the new trailer.
I managed to see the bootleg version online before it was taken off and although it wasn't very clear...there's alot of new footage in it. The official version will be online this sunday and I can't wait to get a clear view of it.
It's a double movie update because I have the exclusive first look of Hancock, staring Will Smith below.
Danker out!
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